

The EVCA Foundation is involved in several fundraising activities and events during the school year. Many of the events are held annually, but we do try to incorporate new opportunities as they arise. While some of these events are overall labor intensive, if done collectively, they are not overly burdensome to any single person. This is your place to find all of the EVCA Fundraising events, ask us how you can join us in our efforts to help our school grow!

2nd amendment gun raffle

Why does a school host a gun raffle? Well, first things first, the Estancia Valley Classical Academy does not host a gun raffle, the EVCA Foundation hosts a gun raffle. Secondly, an integral part of our mission is to “preserve our founding principles” and the EVCA Foundation believes this to be a part of those principle and is proud to hold a raffle dedicated to the 2nd Amendment. While this raffle may not make sense in a metropolis, it is a great fit in our rural community where hunting and ranching are steeped in the heritage and traditions of the Estancia Valley. The EVCA’s 2nd Amendment raffle was instituted in 2014 and is has been a highly successful fundraising event.

How can you help? Buy Tickets & Sell Tickets!
  • On-Own Sales – Sell tickets to friends, family, co-workers or other community members.
  • At Our Sales Booths – At various locations and local gun shows between August and December, when scheduled.
    • Easy 2 hr. shifts available
    • All supplies, materials & talking points will be provided
    • Paid admission and/or parking when you volunteer for the gun shows



If you would like to sign-up to volunteer at one of our sales booths, click the button below.

To request tickets, fill out the form.

Great traditions bbq

The oldest and best known fundraising event is the Great Tradition BBQ, first held in 2011 to raise the initial application money for the school charter. This is a combination live auction, speaker, and dinner event that targets outside support for the school through like-minded, interested individuals that wish to contribute through auction/raffle items, financial donations or table sponsorships.

Walk. Run. roll.

One of the greatest aspects of Estancia Valley Classical Academy’s “Walk. Run. Roll.” fundraiser is that the students are truly the heart of the event. The EVCA students do an amazing job; collecting pledges, and participating in the event. The energy of the WRR is really a great thing to witness, the kids are reaching goals and breaking personal barriers. The WRR is not only fun is helps the EVCA community embody the Pillars of Character; perseverance, responsibility, and citizenship just to name a few.

The fundraiser was initially proposed by EVCA Founder Teresa Nunneley, to the EVCA Foundation in 2018. The inaugural (2018/19) event was a huge success, raising just over $41,000 and the subsequent year (2019/20) raised just under $48,000 which funded the construction of our playground.

We are excited to maintain our momentum, we plan to keep on Walk. Run. Rolling and growing this amazing event!

Smith's inspiring donations

Go to, and click ‘Sign In,’ or ‘Create an Account’ if you are not currently signed up to have Smith’s donate a percentage of the sale to EVCA everytime you shop. The organization name is Estancia Valley Classical Academy and our number is Ol152.

Amazon smile

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support EVCA every time you shop on Amazon, at no cost to you! When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to EVCA. For more details, click the ‘Learn More’ button!